

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Philippines’ Most Popular Vegetables

Talong (Egg Plant)

This vegetable is one of the most favorite of Filipinos; there are two varieties of eggplant that are common in the Philippines, the elongated and the rounded eggplant.

Dishes for Talong or Eggplant here in the Philippines:

Tortang talong
Diningdeng ingredients

Okra (Lady’s Finger)

This vegetable here in the Philippines is one of easiest plant to propagate and grow because it grows well anywhere anytime of the year you can plant in your backyard.

Dishes of Okra or Lady’s Finger here in the Philippines:

Grilled – dip in fish sauce (bagoong)
Boiled– dip in fish sauce (bagoong)
Fried – dip in fish sauce (bagoong)
Ingredients of Pinakbet

Ampalaya (Bitter Melon)

There are two variety of Ampalaya that are common in the Philippines, the Native (round) and the Highbred (elongated). It provides many medicinal benefits which is good for people with diabetes.

Dish of Ampalaya or Bitter Melon here in the Philippines:

Ingredients of Pinakbet
Fruits and leaves can be boiled and eaten by dipping in fish sauce
Ginisang Ampalaya

Sitaw (String Beans)

String Beans grow well anywhere in tropical areas.

Dish of Sitaw or String Beans here in the Philippines:

Abobong Sitaw
Ingredients of Pinakbet
Ingredients of Dinengdeng

Kalabasa (Squash)

There many variety of Kalabasa here in the Philippines we have Native and Highbred(Suprema).

Dish of Kalabasa or Squash here in the Philippines:

Ginisang Kalabasa
Ginataang Kalabasa
Flowers of Kalabasa can be added to “Dinengdeng”
It can be added to “Pinakbet”

Malunggay (Moringa oleifera)

Malunggay or Moringa oleifera is an important food source for the Filipinos. You can see malunggay any were here in the Philippines.

Dish of Malunggay or Moringa oleifera here in the Philippines:

The pods can be added to “Pinakbet”
The leaves of cooked as “Dinengdeng”
Leaves can be added in “Ginisang Monggo” “Tinolang Manok”, “Ginisang Mais”

Upo (Bottle Gourd)

Upo is one of the very popular vegetable that you can see in many public markets here in the Philippines.

Dish of Upo or Bottle Gourd here in the Philippines:

Ginisang Upo
Can be added to Dinuguan
Sardines with Upo

Saluyot (Jute)

Saluyot or Jute is a very popular vegetable among the Filipinos especially the Ilocanos.

Dish of Saluyot or Jute here in the Philippines:

Leaves are usually cooked with fish sauce with grilled fish such as “bulig” or mudfish and “hito” or catfish, Ilocano called “Inabraw”.
It can be added to “Dinengdeng”
Paksiw na Saluyot

Kangkong (Water Spinach)

Kangkong is also one of the favorite leaves vegetable of the Filipinos.

 Dish of Kangkong or Water Spinach here in the Philippines:
Ingridients of sinigang
Adobong Kangkong
Boiled and dip in fish sauce

Patola (Luffa)

Dish of Patola or Luffa  here in the Philippines:

Its young fruit can be added either to Pinakbet or Dinengdeng.
It is added in Miswa or Noodles too.

Ginisang Patola.

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